Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Unknown

I have been riding high the last few weeks. I had a bounce in my step, a smile on my face and the world seemed so much brighter.

But I knew that was not going to last.

It never really does, it just happened to be one of the longest spells for a while.

And I am determined to not let the darkness take over again.

Our lives, just like the ever changing world around us, changes constantly. There will be sunny days, hot days, dry days, cold days, rainy days... I just have to keep moving.

For today, though, the anxiety wins for at least a few hours. That's okay. Sometimes, you just have to take a break, let it all out and compose yourself before getting back up again.

A lot of people seem to think that being strong means never being upset, sad or broken.. or just moving on unfazed. The truth is a lot more complicated than that. A strong person knows that it is okay to be weak from time to time. A strong person feels just as much as those around them. A strong person bows their head in anger and frustration and sadness just the same. A strong person knows when to reach out for help when he can't go on alone. A strong person knows that everyone has flaws and weaknesses; being strong does not exempt you from this.

So for the next hour or so I will be content curled up on the couch, crying for a bit with the comfort of my cats around me. I've been riding so high lately that the anxiety of the unknown -- because I am neurotic like that -- has just become too much to bear. I will let it wash over me like crashing waves of the ocean and when I've had my fill of sorrow, I'll get back off that couch and do something worth while.

Because I'm learning that  I am a lot stronger than I give myself credit for.

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